"I initiated this documentary, because there is great beauty in David Adler’s work and more people should know of it. Let’s help preserve architecturally significant buildings for future generations so they continue to inspire. This preservation process begins through education, often not provided in schools," Kristin N. Smith, BA, AS, MBA

Stone lunette hood with angel over the entrance of the Crane estate, Castle Hill, in Ipswich, Massachusetts. Image copyright Exemplar Arts LLC.
This program, in high definition with captivating drone footage, shines a spotlight on David Adler’s immense design talent, which is filled with exceptional grace and discriminating use of historical details.
“Symmetry, Grandeur on a Human Scale, Meticulous Details, Elegance, Architectural Salvage, Historicist, Complete Architect and Timeless Beauty,” are a few select words to remember David Adler and his architecture for.
Perhaps due to his reticence about publicity and the private nature of his affluent clients, Adler is often overlooked amongst notable architects. His oeuvre of Classical architecture is very likely never to be repeated. There are several wonderful books on Adler and this documentary project adds to his story record. A bibliography is noted at bottom of the "Locales" page.

Partial view of East elevation of the residence of David and Katherine Adler, Libertyville, IL. Image is copyrighted and provided for this program by courtesy of Amy Williams, Executive Director, the Adler Arts Center.
"Arts and culture play an important role in community building: this program offers to connect viewers through the art of architecture."
Kristin N. Smith, BA, AS, MBA
Thank you to Amy Williams, Executive Director of the Adler Arts Center for use of images.
“Upon David Adler’s death in 1949 his sister, Francis Elkins, gave his house and estate to the Village of Libertyville to be used for cultural and recreational purposes. Today, the Adler Arts Center continues to maintain and interpret the historic home of architect David Adler, which is the base of its activities, and a visual image of the harmony between music, the arts and daily life.”